Gray’s DLC and Aiden’s full route coming to Steam

It’s been a while since I updated here! Aiden’s route has been fully completed, and Eeyok’s route is already well on its way, with 13 chapters already being playable (on Patreon).

Aiden’s side story was recently completed, which means it’ll release very soon on Steam as well, along with Gray’s DLC. This means Aiden’s story will be fully playable with his Plus DLC! I am aiming for an April 2024 release. Exact date to be announced.

Eeyok’s route

Eeyok was a side character in James’ route, where he played the lovable lizard man from the planet Yool. Due to his popularity, he won the character poll for becoming the 7th route on Tailor Tales.

Here, Eeyok will have his own unique story and route, which is set in the 1760’s and he is a knight in service of Duke Varitus. The MC plays the part of being a regular tailor commoner who ends up being discovered to be the elusive Gatekeeper. Duke Varitus proposes marriage to the MC, which she accepts.

Eeyok’s route, much like James’, is heavy on the plot this time around. There’s a lot of world building, a lot of side characters, and it has fantasy elements.

If you enjoy Villainess webcomics, time travel, second chances, nobility set in the 18th century, Rococo fashion, and dragons – you’re going to love Eeyok’s route.

Eeyok’s first 13 chapters are already available to play on the Patreon. He is estimated to be completed late this year, or early 2025.

Gray’s release date

Gray’s route is finally releasing on Steam & Itch after undergoing some editing and beta testing. He will be available to play on April 20th.

He will also voice your MC’s name (provided it’s on the list of 300 approved names)!

Along with Gray’s release, James’ Plus DLC will also be available for purchase on April 20th.

Aiden’s first 9 chapters will also be available to play for free users. Aiden’s full route release will come in the form of a DLC (due to the sexual content in his route), with no ETA yet. Patreon users are able to play Aiden’s full route without any wait.

All 6 love interests finished

Aiden’s epilogue was finished last month, and his final CG was drawn only a week ago. That wraps up the 6 original love interests for Tailor Tales that were planned, making this game fully complete!

Of course, Tailor Tales was created so that more stories could be added in the future, including new love interests. Eeyok was a side character in James’ route and won the poll on Patreon to become the 7th love interest. His route will start development next month.

But what’s this… an 8th route!? Yep! Zex will be the 8th love interest of Tailor Tales, he will be the next in line after Eeyok’s route is finished. This is still far off into the future though!

Until then, enjoy Gray’s route! 🖤

Gray’s route finished!

It’s been a while since I posted! I mostly keep updates on my Patreon page.

But Gray’s route is now 100% coded. Hooray!

Screenshot of Gray’s route.

As much as I’d love to release it to the free users as well as on Steam, that’s going to have to wait. Due to the feedback I’ve gotten on the story from my Patreons, who have followed every chapter, I have decided to go over Gray’s story and edit it based on this feedback. Which means Gray’s route won’t be released on Steam until this editing has been finished. This will likely be in 2023.

I want people to enjoy Gray’s route so I’ll make sure to polish it! When Gray’s route will be released, Aiden’s first 9 chapters will be released alongside it as well.

Some of Aiden’s route plays in a chat app.

Aiden’s route is still being worked on, currently having 21 chapters finished (available on Patreon). His route will be the only route you can’t fully play for free due to the sexual nature of the route. Therefor, chapters 1 through 9 will be free to play, after that, you will have to purchase his Plus DLC to continue. Why can’t he be fully free, why can’t I just code in an option to make the sexual scene fade to black? Well, because the sexual nature of the route is integral to both Aiden and the MC. 4 out of 6 current CGs are sexual – it would be unfair for players skipping the sexual content and they don’t get to see the CGs. Not to mention you will lose so much information about what happened and lose out on the relationship development between the both of them.

Aiden’s route will be completed in 2023.

Eeyok, the 7th LI in Tailor Tales.

Once Aiden’s route is finished, I will start work on the 7th route; Eeyok! He will feature a more plot-heavy game much like James’ route, and a lot of familiar faces from previous routes will return. If you enjoy villainess webtoons – you’re going to love this route!

Working on Steam Plus DLC

Giving you all an update! The Steam DLC is currently in the works for Neil, Dimitri and Caine.

Steam needs to approve the sexual content and then do one final review. After it’s been approved, there’s a mandatory 2-week wait period. I also have to test out whether the DLC is properly integrated or not.

I’m aiming for a release in December if all goes well!

Aiden’s chat room

In Aiden’s route, you play a MOBA called Legendary Arena with friends. You will also chat with these friends in an app called Chaos Chat.

Whilst it isn’t 100% a chat simulator, we worked hard to get it to feel as immersive and authentic as possible.

These features are available in the chat system:
– Create your own username
– Choose your own avatar icon
– Set 10 custom emojis
– Use night or light mode
– If the MC sends a selfie of herself, you can now see an accurate picture of her
– MC’s thoughts are shown in a thought bubble in the bottom left
– Real time typing from other users

Even though you are still playing an established MC – specifically for Aiden’s route where she is dominant – the chatting experience should feel more genuine to what you yourself would type out. Users are able to set 10 custom emojis or words, such as lol, omg, xD, T_T etc. and these will be used throughout MC’s dialogue. So if she’s laughing, she might type LMAO, or haha, or whatever you have it set to!

When other characters are typing, you will actually see them typing. Sometimes you might even see them type but not actually say anything at all – just like real life!

When loading into the chat, you will notice that the chat isn’t empty either. After all, MC is supposed to be friends with these characters for a while, so it would be strange if this is the first time they spoke to each other. Instead of starting with a blank screen (with the exception of Xiggy!), previous messages will show up to highlight the dynamics of the characters and show a bit of backstory. Or they will continue to talk amongst themselves as the story progress. You can always read these messages by scrolling up, but it isn’t required to follow the story.

To keep things exciting there’s usually more fierce/kind choices to be made during chats.

So while it isn’t 100% “do whatever you want and say whatever you want” the chat system should feel authentic and immersive.

Update 4.0.2 – James released

James has been released!




In an alternate world where people have superpowers, Joselina (you) has one of her own. However, instead of fighting crime, she uses it to create superhero suits for the actual superheroes. One day during an attack on the city, a superhero crash lands in front of her boutique and she saves him.

…But he isn’t a hero – he’s a villain.

James has a unique perk where your name gets voiced if it belongs to one of the 200 names this list, including the default name.

Starting James’ route
Let the update run its course in the Itch app, then load your manual save file. You can access James’ route by clicking the cogwheel for Settings, click Characters and select James. Here you can start a new route.

Don’t have the game on the Itch app and have a standalone version? Simply download the new game from this page, and then add it to the same location as where you installed Tailor Tales. Make sure to replace everything. Your save file and custom clothes will remain intact.

James’ Plus
The final two CGs for James are Plus CGs and can only be unlocked if you have James’ Plus. Currently James’ Plus is only available through Patreon. In the future, it will be available as a DLC on Steam as well.

James Release Date

James finally has a release date! He will be free to play on Steam and Itch on July 18th, 2021. Can’t wait? His route is fully available on Patreon, including the Plus DLC which contains his last two CGs.

James is unlike the other routes in Tailor Tales, being twice as long and focusing on fantasy elements this time around. Each route in Tailor Tales is unique, which is definitely represented with James. It will take roughly 10 to 12 hours to complete his route.

Route synopsis
In an alternate world where people have superpowers, Joselina (you) has one of her own. However, instead of fighting crime, she uses it to create superhero suits for the actual superheroes. One day during an attack on the city, a superhero crash lands in front of her boutique and she saves him.

…But he isn’t a hero – he’s a villain.

James’ release

Aiden’s 1st chapter will be released on Patreon in June, which means I can finally focus on prepping the game to release it on Steam/Itch with James’ full route.

I will want to commission some artwork to celebrate his release, so that will have to take a bit, roughly two months perhaps. But no worries, James will be coming to you this year!

Once I’ve got the artwork for his release finished, I can give you a concrete release date :)

In the meantime, here’s a couple of screenshots of his route!

Gray & Aiden’s 1st chapter

I’m currently working on implementing Gray’s 1st chapter, as well as Aiden’s.

Once these chapters are coded into the game, I can focus on releasing Tailor Tales version 4.0.0 to the public, which contains James’ route. Patreons get to enjoy these chapters first before the public, so it will take roughly two months after their release on Patreon before the free version gets updated.

A young Gray sporting his original hair colour.

Gray’s route will feature an MC that is the leader of her school’s gang, and subsequently, a rival of Gray’s school. Both of them are leaders, but when Gray meets the MC for the first time, he has no clue who she is. MC will have to keep her identity a secret if she wants to get along with him.

Gray is also a dominant and his route will feature some elements of D/s, though still very tame. The route is not focused on sexual content.

As for Aiden’s route, here’s a little warning.

A young Aiden.

Aiden’s route is very much catered towards a niche set of players. The MC in Aiden’s route will be very controversial due to her likes and dislikes, but also how she treats others. Your typical otome heroine is chipper, friendly, hardworking and generally agreeable. MC in Aiden’s route will be someone who is described as having a “resting bitch face”, has no issue calling people out on the spot, is quite judgemental at the start, and of course… she likes to take control. This is not going to sit well with the majority of players, hence the warning beforehand.

MC is a dominant and Aiden’s route will focus on exploring that side of her, and eventually falling into femdom.

Due to the highly sexualized nature of Aiden’s route, his will be the only route NOT completely available for free. Thankfully Aiden is a niche character anyway, so it won’t bother too many people they can’t play his entire route for free. Roughly around chapter 9 is where you would need to purchase the Plus version to continue.

Either way, this is what I’m working on; Gray and Aiden’s 1st chapter. Once I have those finished, I can give you a date for James’ release!

Chat system

Also, for Aiden’s 2nd chapter, there will be a fake chat system implemented into the game. A lot of scenes take place on some online chat app, so my programmer had to make a fake chat system. We’re still working on that, but so far it’s looking pretty realistic!

The standard group-message window. Other characters can be seen typing in real-time. Everyone has their own username and avatar as well. Most likely the player is able to choose their own avatar to represent themselves.

Also available in light-mode!

Of course, MC will still have thoughts throughout the messages, and these are shown in a thought bubble above her avatar in the bottom left corner. This is also where you’ll be making fierce/kind choices.

The goal is to have a very life-like chat simulation that makes the player feel very immersed.