James’ new story

Each bachelor in Tailor Tales has a unique story. The only consistent element in each story is that Joselina has her own boutique and makes clothes. Neil, Dimitri, Caine and Aiden have always had their stories planned from the beginning. Recently, I managed to outline Sam’s story as well.

But what about James? Well, to be honest, while I did have a vague idea where I wanted to take the story, it never quite settled for me. I came up with a bunch of ideas, but none stuck. James therefor, never had a clear outline.

In his first iteration, James was a carpenter in a small village.


With Tailor Tales’ reboot, it has turned into a visual novel and Joselina now lives in a city.

The idea that James is a carpenter was still on my mind, it could fit with home improvements. But I didn’t get a very concrete idea for it.

Because James has always been the most popular character – the one people look forward to playing – I figured it’s best to not touch James unless I had a really good story planned out for him.

That day has finally come!

After watching The Incredibles 2, inspiration struck. Suddenly a very vivid story came to mind. It had everything; a fantastical romance, action, character development, and supernatural powers. The only thing it was lacking…

A bachelor that would have this story.

This story is obviously not in line with the rest. Tailor Tales is a modern-day setting, mostly slice of life stuff. The idea of superheroes with special powers did not fit with any of the guys. So I kept thinking about a potential 7th bachelor, for in the future.

But to have this great story thought out while James’ was still sorely lacking… I wondered; could I give James this story? His personality would be in line with what I had in mind, it would just mean a complete overhaul of what I currently had for James.

After asking around, it seems most people were okay with a superhero storyline for James.

So James is no longer a carpenter… James is from now on, a superhero! Trust me, this story will be awesome, I’ve got a clear vision of what I want to do with it and you won’t be disappointed. Yes, it’s supernatural and doesn’t fit in with the other bachelors… but Joselina is still running her boutique, making clothes. Except this time, she makes costumes for superheroes.

With a new story for James, I needed a new sprite for him as well. So, say hello to our new (and very buff) James!


If you’re curious, here’s how James’ design has changed over the years:


I’m very excited to write his story, which is the most important thing :)

12 thoughts on “James’ new story

  1. A bit late to comment on this, but I definitely support this idea. I’ve been in love with BNHA and Incredibles for some time….

  2. I miss when this game had similar gameplay to Harvest Moon. =(

    Have you considered reviving this old gameplay in another project in the future?

  3. I’ve been excited for James the entire time, but now? I’M A HUNDRED TIMES MORE EXCITED!!! If there’s anything I like more than romantic and smutty visual novels, it’s SUPERNATURAL romantic and smutty visual novels!!! I’m totally on board for the “superhero James” idea~

    • I like some supernatural in my games as well! It may be out of place considering the rest of the guys are just modern-day settings, but James’ route should be a lot of fun. Plus, some of the other guys now have a small role in his route (they also have powers!).

      Joselina, the MC, will also be 3 years older in this route (26 instead of 23. James will be 28). I wanted her to be more accomplished in his route.

      It will be my goal for this month to outline James’ story :) I have a feeling it will be more than 100k words since I have big plans for him.

      • I don’t mind at all that James’ route won’t fit in with the others, that will just make it more interesting to play~ I can’t wait to see what you come up with!!

  4. Any chance of a 7th bachelor having a pornographic story with female dominance? (If this scenario had in the game, I think it would have to be exclusive to Plus version)

    • I am toying around with the idea of letting the player dictate the sex scene in the Plus epilogue some more, so you can choose to be passive or aggressive. In this case, more dominant.

      • I understood, that’s fine, but I was referring to pornography as a major theme in the story.

        For example, some bachelor who is masochistic and has a love for sex or being abused. And it can also be an alternative story in which the MC is addicted to sex.

        Just giving an example of what I meant.

        • Tailor Tales is a romance game with smut. It’s not a pornographic game with a little bit of romance. There will be no such route that solely focuses on sex.

  5. DUDE!!! What an awesome idea!! I can’t wait to get to know James and his powers, his personality, and yes…his muscles (insert heart eyes here). Keep it going and I can’t wait to experience it! Keep up the awesome job!

    • I can spoil you this much; one of James’ powers is the ability to fly. The first time you’ll meet him, is because he literally crash lands near the boutique ;)

      Joselina, the MC, will also have a power! The ability to create her own (invisible) thread, which allows her to stitch a variety of materials. It may sound a little boring, but there’s a ton of utility for her power.

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